Aylanadigan to'ldirish va yopish mashinasi etkazib beruvchilari

Uy / To'ldirish mashinalari / Monoblock Filling Machine / Aylanadigan to'ldirish va yopish mashinasi etkazib beruvchilari

Aylanadigan to'ldirish va yopish mashinasi etkazib beruvchilari

Rotary Filling and Capping Machine for liquid products of small bottle

Sizni xabardor qiling:

Rotary Filling and Capping Machine for liquid products of small bottle is mainly available to fill eye-drop. E-liquid into various round and flat plastic and glass bottles with the range from2- 30ml.this e-liquid filling machine with e liquid sealing machine.

Rotary Filling and Capping Machine for liquid products of small bottle provides a regular plate to position,cork and cap;accelerating cam makes capping heads going up and down ;constant turning arm screws caps; creepage pump measures filling volume; and touch screen controls all action. No bottle no filling and no capping.

Rotary Filling and Capping Machine for liquid products of small bottle is ceramic pump. It is easy to clean. It is able to wear and tear. There is no O-ring and seal gasket in the pump, so there is no impurity, and do not pollute the liquid. Besides, the filling precision of this pump is high.

Rotary Filling and Capping Machine for liquid products of small bottle use the transverse torque and automatic slipping unit. So it does not hurt the cover. The bottles don’t follow with the capping head, the turntable does not hurt the bottle, so the design protects the beautiful of the packaging material. The machine is controlled by touch screen and made with alarm.


1, Man-machine dialogue system setting, visual convenient operation ,accurate filling level.

2, the mainframe running speed is stopless frequency conversion.

3, the product quantity can be controlled.

4, Multi-failure prompt function (such as infrabar, no filling and no inserting plug etc).

5, Automatic stop function, if there is no filling, no inner plug in any rail, it may stop automatically.

Sotishdan keyingi xizmatlar

1. Warranty time: one year, from the date which the product is qualified commissioning. Any damage except the wrong operation during warranty period is repaired freely. But the travel and hotel expenses should be count on buyer.

2. Ishga tushirish xizmatlari: mahsulotni talabga binoan o'rnatish va ishga tushirish, bizning muhandislarimiz sizning kelishuvingizni olmaguncha u erda qoldirmaydilar.

3. O'qitish xizmatlari: bizning muhandislarimiz sizning xodimlaringizni o'rnatish va ishga tushirish davrida ularni ishlatishga o'rgatishadi va sizning xodimlaringiz normal ishlashi mumkin bo'lmaguncha ular u erda qolmaydi.

4. Ta'minot xizmatlari: har qanday nosozlik yuz berdi, bizga murojaat qilganingizda, biz sizga 48 soat ichida javob beramiz, maxsus sabablar bundan mustasno.

5. Hayotiy xizmatlar: biz sotilgan barcha mahsulotlar uchun umrbod xizmat ko'rsatamiz va ehtiyot qismlarni chegirma narxida ta'minlaymiz.

6. Sertifikat xizmatlari: mijozlar talabiga binoan biz mijozlarga tegishli sertifikatlarni bemalol taqdim etishimiz mumkin.

7. Tekshiruv xizmatlari: uchinchi tomon inspeksiya kompaniyasidan yoki inspektoringizdan mahsulotni jo'natishdan oldin tekshirishni so'rashingiz mumkin.

Tez ma'lumotlar

Turi: Capping Machine, Capping Machine
Ilova: Ichimlik, kimyoviy, tovar, tibbiy
Haydovchi turi: elektr
Avtomatik daraja: Avtomatik
Kuchlanish: 380V 60HZ
Quvvat: 2 kVt
Paket turi: idishlar
Qadoqlash materiallari: yog'och
Qayerda joylashganligi: Shanxay, Xitoy (materik)
Brand Name: VKPAK
O'lchov (L * W * H): 1800 * 1000 * 1500mm
Og'irligi: 550KG
Sertifikatlash: Idoralar
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatiladi: Chet elda xizmat ko'rsatadigan mashinalarga xizmat ko'rsatadigan muhandislar
funktsiyasi: Shishani elektron suyuqlik bilan to'ldirish, vilkasini ulash, qopqoq
mos mahsulot: E-suyuqlik / ko'z tomchisi / shisha / qopqoq
Elektron suyuqlik bilan to'ldirish oralig'i: 2-30ml.
Asosiy motor: Shanxay Li Chao
Ishlab chiqarish quvvati: minutiga 30-50 bootl
qopqoqli boshlar: bitta bosh
Malakali darajasi: ≥99%
plomba boshlari: bitta bosh
Boshqarish tizimi: PLC