Bizning avtomatik rotorli yulduzcha g'ildiraklarini to'ldirish va yopishtirish mashinalari suvdan yupqa va o'rtacha qalinlikdagi mahsulotlarni to'ldirish uchun javob beradi, masalan, suyuq dori, toner, perm loson, havo spreyi, terini parvarish qilish va boshqalar. Ular ixcham konfiguratsiyaga ega, kichik joy egallagan, go'zal tashqi ko'rinishi, oson sozlanishi va keng qo'llanilishi, bu ularni farmatsevtika, pestitsid, kundalik kimyoviy, oziq-ovqat yoki boshqa sohalarda keng ishlatishga imkon beradi.
Ushbu seriyalarda to'ldirish va yopish ishlari aniq mexanik uzatish orqali amalga oshiriladi, bu esa mahsulotlar sifatini samarali ta'minlashi mumkin. Barcha ish stantsiyalari, shu jumladan to'ldirish, qopqoqni boqish, qopqoqni yopish bitta yulduzli g'ildirak atrofida jihozlangan, shuning uchun ish maydoni va zarur bo'lgan operatorlarni sezilarli darajada qisqartirish mumkin. Avtomatik va uzluksiz ishlab chiqarish rejimi sizga kerakli mahsulot hajmini kafolatlashga yordam beradi. Mashinalarimizni yig'ish uchun yaxshi material va qismlarni tanlaymiz. Barcha qismlar oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan, va barcha pnevmatik va elektr qismlari Germaniya, Yaponiya yoki Tayvanning taniqli tovar mahsulotlaridir. Bu innovatsion dizayn va sifatli qismlar, ushbu seriyali mashinalar suyuq qadoqlash ichki bozorida mutlaqo etakchi o'rinni egallashini ta'minlaydi.
Bizning aylanma yulduzli g'ildiraklarni to'ldirish va urish mashinasi, ayniqsa katta ishlab chiqarish partiyalarida bitta turdagi mahsulotlarni ishlab chiqarish uchun juda mos keladi.
Ishlab chiqarish oqimi:
To'ldirish --- Oziqlantiruvchi qo'shimchalar --- Inerstsni bosish - --- Oziqlantirish uchun qopqoqchalar
Sizning ehtiyojlaringizga qarab dizayn.
Asosiy texnik xususiyatlari
Tez ma'lumotlar
Turi: Capping Machine, to'ldirish va qoplash mashinasi
Ahvoli: Yangi
Ilova: Ichimlik, kimyoviy, oziq-ovqat, mashina va jihozlar, tibbiy, kosmetika, tibbiyot, kimyoviy va boshqalar.
Haydovchi turi: elektr va pnevmatik
Avtomatik daraja: Avtomatik
Kuchlanish: 380V
Quvvat: 4 kVt
Paket turi: idishlar
Qadoqlash materiallari: shisha, metall, plastmassa
Qayerda joylashganligi: Shanxay, Xitoy (materik)
Tovar nomi: VKPAK
O'lchov (L * W * H): 1670 * 1350 * 1675
Og'irligi: 600 kg
Sertifikatlash: ISO9001
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatiladi: Chet elda xizmat ko'rsatadigan mashinalarga xizmat ko'rsatadigan muhandislar
Sifatni boshqarish tizimi: ISO9001: 2008
Saytda boshqarish tizimi: 5S
An automatic cream filling and capping machine is a highly advanced packaging machine that is specifically designed to package creams and lotions into various types of containers such as jars, bottles. This machine is essential for businesses in the cosmetics industry who want to streamline their packaging process and increase their productivity.
One of the key benefits of an automatic cream filling and capping machine is its ability to fill and cap containers at a high speed. This is achieved through the use of advanced automation technology that allows for fast and accurate filling and capping. In addition, the machine is highly versatile and can handle a wide range of container sizes and shapes, making it ideal for businesses with diverse product lines.
The machine works by first filling the containers with the cream or lotion using a dosing pump that accurately dispenses the required amount of product. The containers are then capped using a capping head that tightly seals the product to ensure freshness and prevent spillage. The capping head can be customized to accommodate different types of caps such as screw caps, flip-top caps, and snap-on caps.
One of the key features of an automatic cream filling and capping machine is its ease of use. The machine is equipped with a user-friendly control panel that allows for easy adjustment of settings such as filling volume, capping torque, and speed. This makes it easy for operators to set up and operate the machine, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall efficiency.
Another important feature of an automatic cream filling and capping machine is its high level of hygiene. The machine is designed to be easy to clean and sanitize, with smooth surfaces and minimal crevices that can trap dirt and bacteria. This is particularly important in the cosmetics industry, where hygiene is essential for ensuring product quality and safety.
In conclusion, an automatic cream filling and capping machine is a valuable investment for businesses in the cosmetics industry. With its advanced automation technology, versatility, ease of use, and high level of hygiene, this machine can help businesses increase their productivity, improve their packaging quality, and stay ahead of the competition. When choosing a cream filling and capping machine, it is important to consider factors such as production capacity, container size and shape, and the type of cream or lotion being packaged.